Support Ukraine: donate to the British Red Cross with our £1 Charity Donation

Please note: we're no longer accepting donations, but we may use this feature again soon for good!

We're all going through tough times, but for some, it's tougher than others – and they need all the help they can get. It's important to us that we're having a positive effect on the world: giving you the tools, products and advice you need to look after your health, working with eco-friendly brands and also supporting good causes.

We want to do our bit to support Ukraine and many other countries who need donations, supplies and help by donating a portion of our proceeds every month to the British Red Cross... and we wanted to give you the chance to do the same while shopping with us.

Can I donate to the British Red Cross while shopping at medino?

Yes, you can donate to the British Red Cross while you shop! If you'd like to support Ukraine and other countries in need while shopping on our site, we've created a product you can add to your basket: our £1 charity donation. £1 of every charity designated product purchased will be donated to British Red Cross via Work for Good, and this product only costs £1, so the full amount will go to the British Red Cross to help rebuild communities, and provide food, healthcare, first aid, funds or even emotional support as needed.

Just click 'Add to basket', and it'll add £1 to your total which will go straight to the British Red Cross via Work For Good.

It's important to note – your charity donation won't just support Ukraine, but will be donated to all countries and services that need urgent assistance. Your donation will do good all over the world.

Illustration of man holding heart with Ukrainian colours, with text saying: donate £1 to British Red Cross via Work For Good

How many charity donations can I add to my basket?

There's no limit. You can add as many of this product to your basket as you like. Add five to donate £5, 10 to donate £10, and more... even 100+, if you're able to be super generous. Every little bit helps and can change the lives of those struggling, so please donate if you can.

Will I get anything extra in the post when I buy this product?

No. This isn't a physical product, and will only add £1 to your basket so that we can donate that amount to the British Red Cross for you via Work For Good. You won't receive anything extra in the post – but you'll get that good feeling straight away.

Add our £1 charity donation to your basket today, and donate to the British Red Cross via Work For Good.