7 Things About Gut Health, You’ll Kick Yourself For Not Knowing

Reviewed and fact-checked by Giulia Guerrini, Superintendent Pharmacist. Read our editorial policy to see how we create informative, accurate content.

Gut health and its effects on the human body is a big topic of interest these days. Understanding the gut and its importance for the human body is a complex process. Gut health is associated with many systems of the body, such as mental health and the immune system. It is also responsible for some diseases such as endocrine disorders, mood swings, autoimmune diseases, skin diseases, and cancer. 

The term used for microorganisms living in the intestine is called the gut microbiome. Roughly 300 to 500 different species of bacteria are present in your digestive system. Some of these microorganisms are highly beneficial for the human body, while some are harmful.

The following are the fascinating things you didn’t know about your gut health:

Probiotic supplements and pills

1. There is no need for the brain’s input

There is no need for the brain’s input to carry out the process of digestion. Your gut does not need brain impulses. The gut actually acts as its own brain. There is no other organ of the body, even the heart that works without a brain but your gut work against the authority of the brain. The information shared between gut and brain is through the vagus nerve, which is a big visceral nerve present in your gut.

2. Brain cells in your gut

The quantity of neurons in your gut is much more than total neurons in the peripheral nervous system or spinal cord. The thinking power of your gut is more than your brain. More than 100 million brain cells are present in your gut.

3. Relationship of gut and bones

Research shows that there is a relationship between the gut and the bones. By blocking the gut’s release of serotonin, it has been observed that it counteracted the bone-density and lowered the chances of osteoporosis.

4. Level of serotonin in your gut

Almost 95% of the serotonin of your body is present in your gut. It is responsible for changing your mood and acts as an antidepressant. Medications and diet can greatly affect your serotonin levels and mood.

Woman walking in the morning

5. Use of probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that contain live microorganisms and administered to make your gut healthy. They should be administered in adequate amounts. They provide several benefits to your gut microflora by maintaining the balance of microflora, supporting the immune system, and facilitating the process of digestion. Fermented products also act as probiotics such as yoghurt, cheese, and Sauerkraut, etc. We have a wide range of probiotics here at medino, particularly with OpticBac to help support daily immune systems, children, pregnant women and much more.

6. Skin problems and gut health

Various skin diseases, such as eczema, are associated with unhealthy gut conditions. Skin irritation can occur due to inflammation in the gut, it is caused by food allergies, and your gut releases various proteins into your body, which are responsible for conditions like eczema.

7. Disturbance of various body functions

The health of your gut is essential for your body. There are many conditions associated with unhealthy gut conditions, such as insomnia, chronic fatigue, food intolerance, and allergies. All these problems are linked with your gut health. An unhealthy gut also causes unintentional weight changes.

Here are some helpful medino tips for a healthy gut

  • You can keep your gut healthy by following some simple rules and tips. 
  • Find different ways to reduce your stress level, either by walking, taking medicines, or have a massage. 
  • Drink plenty of water daily and include a diet high in fibre and avoid taking foods having high sugar content. 
  • Get at least 7-8 hours’ sleep.
  • Use probiotic supplements to make your gut healthy. 
Written by Giulia Guerrini